
Chemistry - Bachelor of Science

Chemistry - Bachelor of Science

Our bachelor program offers an overview of the entire field of chemistry. It is divided into modules in which students acquire credit points (LP, credits). The Bachelor's degree is completed with the acquisition of 180 credit points (approx. 30 per semester) in accordance with the examination regulations. This usually takes 6 semesters.

All Chemistry degree programs are taught in German. A profound knowledge of the German language is therefore required. The Bachelor thesis may be written in German or English.
German language courses are offered by the University of Wuppertal.

International applicants should send their application documents directly to the Student admission and registration for international students  (Internationales Studierendensekretriat) of the University of Wuppertal. 

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Course of studies

Our program starts with the basics of chemistry. The course “General Chemistry” basics are refreshed giving those students who had little chemistry lessons during their school days the opportunity to bring their knowledge up to date.
In the 2nd to 4th semester, we focus on inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry as well as basic knowledge of mathematics and physics. In addition to lectures and exercises, the chemistry course is characterized by practical lab courses which are closely supervised.
In the last two semesters, basic knowledge and practical skills are extended in modules like Synthetic Chemistry or Instrumental Analysis and lectures on specialized knowledge in toxicology and law for chemists. In our elective modules, students can choose from a number of options to customize their learning content.
The bachelor’s degree is completed with a bachelor thesis in one of our research laboratories. The bachelor thesis is closely supervised by the scientists doing research at the BUW. At the end of the bachelor thesis, you present your work to the fellow students in the bachelor seminar.
After the standard study period of 6 semesters, the graduate receives the first professional university degree laying the groundwork to further qualify in one of our master courses.