Campus Clean-UP at the BUW
Let's clean up the campus together!
Campus Clean-UP at the BUW
Let's clean up the campus together!
Campus Clean-UP at the BUW
You can register from 18 March to 22 May 2024. Simply register, wait for confirmation of your registration and then put together a personalised…
Registration for SummerUni 2024 started!
.... and make them work for you. Dr Christa explains how this works in the online edition of Geo magazine.
Dr Gregor Christa on photosynthesis to go - marine snails steal green plant parts
The unequivocal detection of substances using (liquid) chromatography is only possible if they provide clear signals (peaks). Prof Dr Nils Helge…
Quantification without a detection limit? - Prof Dr Nils Helge Schebb in "News from Chemistry"
Bringing students closer to scientific knowledge in an innovative way - that is the idea behind the "Collaborative Biodiversity Experience" (KollaBio)…
Innovative learning concept aims to whet the appetite for nature - funding for Wuppertal biologists
Girls do research at the school of mathematics and natural sciences - also in the chemistry and biology department
Girls'Day 2024: Register now!
The student council is also there for you during the lecture-free period in the winter semester 2023/2024!
Offers of the student council in the lecture-free period winter semester 2023/2024
Digital learning and the corresponding further training of teachers is at the centre of the "lernen:digital" competence network. The University of…
The didactics of chemistry is part of the newly launched competence network "learning:digital"
The University of Wuppertal has honoured two members of the School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences with the Wuppertal Teaching Lion 2023 for their…
Honoured with the Wuppertal Teaching Lion 2023
The research cooperation between the Chairs of Inorganic Chemistry (Prof. Slabon) and Food Chemistry (Prof. Schebb) at the University of Wuppertal has…
Sustainable chemistry: Scientists at the university of Wuppertal revolutionise the use of wood for the production of organic chemicals