Professor Dr. Gela Preisfeld
Didactics of Biology / Zoology
- Chair of the Joint Study Committee (GSA)
- Member of the Faculty Board of Faculty 4
- Head of the Biology and Fundamentals of Science and Technology programs
- Chair of the examination boards of Biology and Fundamentals of Science and Technology (Bachelor, Master)
- Head of the student lab BeLL Bio
- spokesperson of the Bergischen Science Labs
- Spokesperson of the working group Bilingual Learning and Teaching
- Reviewer for accreditations
- Leading the establishment of the Master of Education Bilingual Education program at the University of Wuppertal

Bioscience research focus
- Molecular evolution of the Euglenozoa
- Transcriptome analyses of the symbiosis of algae and their chloroplasts with marine nudibranchs
- Genome analyses of the Euglenida chloroplasts
Didactic research focus
- Curricular innovation in biology teaching
- Digitization in biology and science education
- Language use and experimental approaches in bilingual biology teaching
- Development, transfer and evaluation of concepts in biology teaching
- Influence of microteaching in the student laboratory on students' professional knowledge
- Cognitive, motivational, and affective efficacy of student laboratory courses
- Experiment-related self-efficacy expectations of student teachers and students
- Reflection and feedback in the practicum semester
- Multi-perspectival teaching in the subject matter classroom
Identification of scavenger receptors and thrombospondin‐type‐1 repeat proteins potentially relevant for plastid recognition in Sacoglossa.
Melo Clavijo, J., Frankenbach, S., Fidalgo, C., Serôdio, J., Donath, A., Preisfeld, A., & Christa, G. (2020)
Ecology and Evolution. 2020;10:12348–12363.
DNA isolation of mucus from Salmo trutta (Linnaeus, 1758) and Thymallus thymallus (Linnaeus, 1758) as an alternative method to conventional fin‐clipping.
Berger, C.A. & Preisfeld, A. (2018)
J Appl Ichthyol. 2018;00:1–5.
Intrageneric Variability Between the Chloroplast Genomes of Trachelomonas grandis and Trachelomonas volvocina and Phylogenomic Analysis of Phototrophic Euglenoids.
Dabbagh, N. & Preisfeld, A. (2018)
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. 2018, 65, 648–660.
Lehrer-Selbstwirksamkeitserwartungen. Anforderungen an Lehramtsstudierende der Fächer Biologie und Sachunterricht.
Franken, N., Dahmen, S. & Preisfeld, A. (2020)
heiEDUCATION Journal (6), 69-93.
A Scientific Out-of-School Programme on Neurobiology Employing CLIL. Its Impact on the Cognitive Acquisition and Experimentation-Related Ability Self-Concepts.
Buse, M., Damerau, K. & Preisfeld, A. (2018)
International Journal of Environmental & Science Education 13(8):647-660. e-ISSN: 1306-3065.
Intrinsic motivation in bilingual courses on molecular biology and bionics in an out-of-school laboratory.
Rodenhauser, A. & Preisfeld, A. (2018)
Challenges in Biology Education Research (ERIDOB). 120-134
- Managing director of Gesellschaft für die Didaktik der Biowissenschaften
- Member of the pedagogical-scientific advisory board of the Junior Uni Wuppertal
- Vice-chair of the support association of the Junior Uni Wuppertal
- Chair of the support association Botany Garden Wuppertal
- Editor in chief Journal for Didactics of Science and Mathematics
- Editor Organisms, Diversity and Evolution
- Reviewer for NSA, Journal of Phycology, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, Acta Protozoologica, European Journal of Protozoology, Plos One, Gene, Journal Microbiology and Evolution