Professor Dr. Hans-Willi Kling
Management of Chemical Processes in Industry and Analytcal Chemistry
Sustainability has been one of society's challenges for some time. Especially the chemical industry, whose products play a major role in everyday life, has committed itself to the idea of "Sustainable Development". The current and future research work of the chair "Management of Chemical Processes in Industry" is focused on the following aspects:
- Conservation of resources (energy and raw materials)
- Reduction of environmental impact through production and application
- Use of renewable raw materials instead of petrochemical-based basic materials
These three objectives, as a part of the recognized "Principles of Green Chemistry and Engineering" and thus of "Sustainable Development", are mapped by research in the following areas:
- Optimization of chemical reactions
- Real-time process monitoring
- Use of renewable raw materials
- Instrumental analytics
Artenzusammensetzung sowie Zersetzungsprozesse an stehendem und liegendem Totholz nicht standortheimischer Baumarten
M. Scolari, C. Ihmenkamp, J. Micke, K. Tomczak, B. Leder, H.-W. Kling, H. Mölleken
AFZ - Der Wald 19/2018, 64-65 2016
An alternative treatment method for fluorosurfactant-containing wastewater by aerosol-mediated separation
I. Ebersbach, S.M. Ludwig, M. Constapel, H.-W. Kling
Water Research 2016, 101, 333-340 2014
Perfluortenside und Alternativen in der Galvanik – Fortschritte zur Kreislaufführung
N. Wienand, J.M. Marzinkowski, H.-W. Kling
wwt wasserwirtschaft wassertechnik 2014/2015, Sonderausgabe Modernisierungsreport, 43–47 2013
Degradation of a Fluorine-Free Perfluorooctane Sulfonate Substitute in Chromium Plating Solutions
Wienand, Nils; Constapel, Marc; Budde, Klaus; Marzinkowski, Joachim M.; Gäb, Siegmar; Schmitz, Oliver J.
Chemical Engineering & Technology 2013, 36, 3, 390-397 2011
Comparative study of fatty alcohol alkoxylate copolymers fragmentation patterns by MALDI-MS/MS using low energy and high energy CID
Wulf, V., Resch, M., Wirtz, M., Melchior, D., Kling, H.-W., Gäb, S., Schmitz. O.J.
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry