School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

NMR Spectrometers

In the Department of Chemistry & Biology the following centrally operated NMR spectrometers are available:

BRUKER AVANCE III 600 (Basic frequency (1H): 600.13 MHz)


  • Probeheads:
    • 5mm Broadband Inverse Probehead with automatic frequency tuning (ATM)
    • 10mm 1H/13C Probehead for high temperature experiments
    • 3mm QXI Quadruple Resonance Inverse-Probehead (1H/31P/13C/15N)
  • Sample Changer for 60 NMR Tubes

BRUKER AVANCE 400 ( Basic frequency (1H): 400.13 MHz)


  • Probeheads :
    • 5mm Broadband BBFO Probehead with automatic frequency tuning (ATM)
    • 5mm QNP Probehead (1H/13C/31P/19F)
    • 5mm Broadband Inverse Probehead
  • Sample Changer for 120 NMR Tubes

The AVANCE 400 is mainly used for routine experiments with the nuclei 1H, 13C, 31P, 11B, and 19F. The 5mm BBFO probehead can be tuned and matched automatically (ATM) to these nuclei as well as to all other nuclei in the frequency range between that of 109Ag and 31P, respectively.

In the standard mode, 19F spectra are recorded using the X channel which also allows both for 1H decoupling and recording 19F decoupled 1H spectra.
For special 19F experiments, the decoupler coil is tuned to 19F which offers the option to run either 19F decoupled X spectra or X decoupled 19F spectra (requires manual operation).

Routine experiments make use of the automatic sample changer (capacity 60 and 120 tubes, respectively) and the scheduled experiments are set up using Bruker IconNMR. After completion, the data are automatically transferred to the file server (see below measured data).

Current setup and history is permanently updated and displayed here.

Sample Preparation


  • Frequencies
  • Referencing
  • Automatic Sweep Optimization
  • 1D-Experiments
  • 2D-Experiments

Measured Data

NMR Software