School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

NMR Data Service

The progress of automatic (IconNMR) measurements is displayed here .

The measured spectra are copied to a file server and are available

1. via internet as zip files for the AVANCE III 600 and AVANCE 400


2. from inside the university (Chemistry domain) by mounting as network drive

  • \\\FK04_Chemspec$\daten

Please contact the NMR office for user and password.

The directory structure is as given by BRUKER:

<datadir>/data/<user>/nmr/<substance code>/<expno>/pdata/<procno>.

The directory <datadir> is the base directory (nmr400 or nmr600), the <user> (fach) is derived from the first two letters of the substance code, <expno> and <procno> are integers for the experiment and processing number, respectively.