School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

NMR Spectroscopy

NMR Spectroscopy


To get access to the NMR service please register here.
Please prepare your samples according to our guidelines.


Our department is equipped with two high-resoluton Fourier-Transform NMR spectrometers (BRUKER) for routine and special investigations. Measurement reports at a glance.

  • BRUKER AVANCE 400 (1H frequency 400.13 MHz)
  • BRUKER AVANCE III 600 (1H frequency 600.13 MHz)

The field strength of the magnets which are equipped with superconducting coils operating at a temperature of -269 °C (liquid helium) are 9.4 and 14.1 Tesla, respectiely. The construction of superconducting magnets is described in a documentation by M. Thönnis, TU München (pdf, in German).

Information on the operation and capabilities of the NMR spectrometers AVANCE 400 und AVANCE III 600 is available here.

NMR spectra are at no charge for members of the department.
External services will be charged. For further information please contact
Dr. A. Kotthaus.

Requests for NMR spectra have to be delivered along with the ready-to-go NMR tube (viz. sample preparation) and the completed NMR Order Form (pdf) to the NMR room (V.08.031).