School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Crystal Structure Analysis

Crystal Structure Analysis

When a crystal is irradiated with X-rays, the arrangement of atoms in a grid creates a diffraction pattern that is characteristic of the type and arrangement of the atoms. The structure of the crystal can be determined from the positions and intensities of this X-ray interference.
For such measurements, an OXFORD DIFFRACTION Gemini-E-Ultra-Diffractometer is available in our department. The PC-controlled system equipped with a low-temperature unit can alternatively be operated with a copper (CuKa) or a molybdenum (MoKa) X-ray tube.

Measurement requests

For members of the department, both measurements and calculations to determine the structure are carried out free of charge. Requests from other departments or from outside the university should be addressed to Dr. Eduard Bernhardt or Prof. Dr. Fabian Mohr.