School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Looking back: Study Information Days 2025 in the Chemistry and Biology department

07.02.2025|18:01 Uhr

How is a degree programme structured? What requirements do I need for the degree programme? Can I only start my degree programme in the winter or also in the summer? Is a semester abroad possible? Can I change my mind during my studies and switch from Chemistry to Sustainable Chemistry, for example? These and other questions were asked and answered at the Chemistry and Biology department's Study Information Days 2025.

After a brief introduction by the ZSB, interested students were able to find out everything they needed to know about studying chemistry in our department. Prof. Adam Slabon presented the new English-language Sustainable Chemistry degree programme and explained why this degree programme will become increasingly important in the future. He was also able to allay the participants' fears of possible language problems. Prof Thorsten Benter then presented the classic chemistry degree programmes and appealed to all those present to study chemistry if they enjoy it. Finally, Prof. Nils Helge Schebb introduced the established food chemistry degree programme and explained that as a food chemist, you can also eat everything that you have analysed yourself, but perhaps from a slightly different perspective.

Prof Gela Preisfeld and her colleagues then invited interested students to find out all about biology. Not only were the various biology degree programmes at BUW presented, but also offers such as the BellBio laboratory, which students can take part in during their time at school. A special highlight was a practical session in which the students were able to take a closer look at starfish models or let stick insects crawl over their hands.

Further insights can be found here: